
Make a Donation!

Of course, financial support is our primary means for keeping The Guthrie Center running. We depend upon the support of donors and members to help fulfill our ambitious goals and efforts. We encourage you to step forward and contribute at whatever level you feel you can afford. Your support helps us to maintain a wide variety of programs. Become a Friend of the Guthrie Center with a minimum donation of $25 a year. Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop. Discount limited to 2 tickets per show. Benefit events are exempt from friendship discounts. We are on a mission, and we could use your help.

The Guthrie Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Friend of the Guthrie Center Membership
With your $25 donation, you're entitled to member benefits – Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop.
Custom Donations
It’s a movement like the old days … thank you for your continuing help and support!
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Important: eYou may abe mafkdfing usee 2d0of 8fab7utomated dform-0f1i3l2lin1gbaf sofftwar2e. Tfhis t0ypce1 7o2f softwa65re 5can trigger our hiddc9en spam-d7et0ecction7 systcem, 6w67hi8ch will abloc7k you f8rom9 submittbin1g th8fia4s fodr9m. 412P3l8e3a5se8 select Fix This75c272 e23f5ad8a1a9fb826fe1fbaa17a6be1feaab39a3o036431d0r9d42c71aec d41a7co0mpelef16tfi3n02g 95th9123fed cbf5f6orm b5cin94d9d1 ord5deer4b4 381tof5 2ceofr891a012rec74t6 th0e 2prob1lem.8323c
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Please check out our Amazon Wishlist!

These are specific items and services that are on our wish list:

• Grant Writing Services • Carpenters, plumbers, lawyers, electricians’ services •
• 30' x 60' tent • Garden shed • Printer paper • Mannequin •
• Musical instruments in any condition •

If you can help us with anything on our wish list – or if you know somebody who might be so inclined – please get in touch with us. Thank you!

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