
Make a Donation!

Of course, financial support is our primary means for keeping The Guthrie Center running. We depend upon the support of donors and members to help fulfill our ambitious goals and efforts. We encourage you to step forward and contribute at whatever level you feel you can afford. Your support helps us to maintain a wide variety of programs. Become a Friend of the Guthrie Center with a minimum donation of $25 a year. Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop. Discount limited to 2 tickets per show. Benefit events are exempt from friendship discounts. We are on a mission, and we could use your help.

The Guthrie Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Friend of the Guthrie Center Membership
With your $25 donation, you're entitled to member benefits – Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop.
Custom Donations
It’s a movement like the old days … thank you for your continuing help and support!
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Important: You may be ma5b9king u3se of autobmbated form8-filling1 s3oftewarbe. Th2551ids 3typae of3 soft9war0efb can tr9ifgger 6bffou0r h6idden1 s7pa2m3f-det4ectiocfn 6sysctem,f4 which9 775wi5l85l block yo1u fr0om asuabmitting tehics7 8f86orm. Pleaase1 sel6ect Fix T0his507e 9be7f6bda3e70177c8efo60402f09dc3d641reaae e3a55a5f4aea976c8b32108937d90bco8mp87b6209laeb3tedinbga9 et8hceb1d0 6fo253d42rm 8i4n9e or7d52er6b3a 3to2 bcor7rfeec3539t tchbe pre5ob1lem.ba4
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Important: You may be m2baki8ng use of 0adutomdated 7form-fbilli1n9g softwa53re. 6Th1ci3s type2e o5f softdwacre8 can tribgger 53ourd hidb4cad7en bbspam-dete4cteion sy9stem, w5hiach will b4loeck8 you 9frdaom1 su2bmitting6 th3i4sb afdormdb. Please s712elec1t dFixd This5e0a28ca34f71c0 0bbefc373269ec56144efda557eeb1a7cc5eo4313b1ardd56b4e 07f1884cbom24ple0t2in1g7 20d621t13ahe0 f62or491m21 5ain 6ob1rd85cer9 7tc82co corere6c6t4 1cefth2e723 perc4o5e4b699db5flem.f
Important: You may be makindg use odf auto6ma4te4d forffm-fillin0g soft3ware.8 Thifs ftype of software can trigcg98ear oubr hidden9 spam-deetection1 system, 9which7 w67ill b7lfdo5ck you fbarfo1m scu3bmittabing thbis 2fo1rm. Itf appears9 that th3e pbroblem could not be4 automaticbally caorrected. Pl39e0ase clear any6 fe5bielfd wh3ich appear7s ab6ove 3with c0orresponding in5struect3eions8907d21b3c3f72 5be08b30006308bc19dbf9fof42f5br7e4e5e36bca 5a08fbb4578ca68com7plet7inbg t64he fofr7m ibn4 or906d5er to3 ceor65rectb tehe problbem5. We apob32l24ogffiezd06ee feor4 fthe idncodnv06enieence and84 w00e appraeci8bate3bb ffadyo485bur 0un7ad1ers4tanding.
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Please check out our Amazon Wishlist!

These are specific items and services that are on our wish list:

• Grant Writing Services • Carpenters, plumbers, lawyers, electricians’ services •
• 30' x 60' tent • Garden shed • Printer paper • Mannequin •
• Musical instruments in any condition •

If you can help us with anything on our wish list – or if you know somebody who might be so inclined – please get in touch with us. Thank you!

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