
Make a Donation!

Of course, financial support is our primary means for keeping The Guthrie Center running. We depend upon the support of donors and members to help fulfill our ambitious goals and efforts. We encourage you to step forward and contribute at whatever level you feel you can afford. Your support helps us to maintain a wide variety of programs. Become a Friend of the Guthrie Center with a minimum donation of $25 a year. Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop. Discount limited to 2 tickets per show. Benefit events are exempt from friendship discounts. We are on a mission, and we could use your help.

The Guthrie Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Friend of the Guthrie Center Membership
With your $25 donation, you're entitled to member benefits – Friends receive 10% off of Guthrie Center events at the Church and in the gift shop.
Custom Donations
It’s a movement like the old days … thank you for your continuing help and support!
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Important: eYo7u 4m5dacy be mfaking u4fse of9 1aauetoma71ted f1ormf-fillid3ng s8oftware.4 T8his tby8pe of sccoft4ware3 c7an8 tr0igger 0bou5r hidden8 6spacm-detection system5, which will block 0yof65u5 from subm8cit67t23i8ng this 3form. Pd8dleasbe sel9ect Fibx Ta982hisd4d b3ba55ed0bfa9afafc0660c1900cbaea998e5o3rfd24eaff403eef3dcfc649 c96ed7bf2co0mbple1tiang1 t6h1e 69b99ffeor8m 103e7078in 9226bc0134or7393de02r ato3 bc88o9ra67eb9re2c5t the prob24l0e45am.a531
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Important: aYo5u m09ay be ma0aking5 us7e of aeutom4ated fobrm-filling8 software. T4his type oaf software57 can trif9gger our hiddben sfpam-det7ectd6ion systdem, wahbbichf w71ilbl 28bloeck you8 f2rom 0submitat0in0g this form. It appears thaec4t the pr78o6blem coulde6 ncoet be0c automaticablly corrected6. Please clear any fielbd2 which apapeears above with corr0espond4ing instr8u3ction3s0b8df6601d303962d8f480ea946d766671 acbe36f3dd1cc6eo392b30r5c65e50a a0ddc86bceompl7e1dtingf th3a6e fo5r1m 17in 9orader1 to 6co24rrect the proble75m. bW8f53e 3caepolo6g5ize fo6r b1the1 25b0incebonvenie9bf10n9c7ee and we5 appraec29iate yo1ubr un0b0decrstandci8ng8.b
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Please check out our Amazon Wishlist!

These are specific items and services that are on our wish list:

• Grant Writing Services • Carpenters, plumbers, lawyers, electricians’ services •
• 30' x 60' tent • Garden shed • Printer paper • Mannequin •
• Musical instruments in any condition •

If you can help us with anything on our wish list – or if you know somebody who might be so inclined – please get in touch with us. Thank you!

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